Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Essentials for the Sniffles.

Eric and I joined a gym last week, and we've been really excited to get in shape together. Unfortunately, after a few days of working out, I came down with a really bad cough/cold! I've been resting as much as I can, so hopefully I'll be better soon. In the meantime, I have all of my essentials for feeling cruddy: water, snacks, my phone, and The Office playing in the background. :) 

Today I'm Thankful For:
.Friendly customers at work.
.A helpful husband who does the dishes and takes out the garbage before I get home.
.The Office.
.Thin Mints.
.Friends who make me smile.

Quote Of The Day:

"Dwight, you ignorant slut!" - Michael Scott, Safety Training


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